
The ultimate creative work that is the result of a long line of progression and growth.  

Welcome to your Journey back to your Soul🤍

This publication is everything my Soul has revealed to me from the divine power of the Universe, all that I have grown through, and the messages that I have received that ground us back to our Highest Selves, allowing each one of us to be our Soul’s Masterpiece. 

Every month I publish one to two writings that are forever free and here for you to come back to whenever you need them.

There’s also a Healing Group Chat for this Publication, where we get deep into specifics of life’s ups and downs and the reality of living with the flow🌱 

You will have access as soon as you subscribe. 

More about Your Humble Guide (aka me)

I was diagnosed with severe chronic depression and anxiety when I was in high school. I spent four years trying different therapies, methods to cope with my mental illness, and figuring out how to survive each day, as I sat in the bathtub crying and gripping onto ice-cubes. 

Until one day, as I’d thought I had gotten the hang of how to cry through my depressive episodes and anxiety attacks, I almost lost the most important relationship in my life due to the severity of my struggles. Simply because I didn’t know how to stop my brain from running a million miles an hour, cleanse the piled-up heaviness inside, and free myself from the mental jail I was stuck in. 

That’s when I started to question, “this can’t be it. There must be a better way to live this life, even with my condition.”

And as soon as I asked for it, the Universe showed me the way…

I was blessed with a revelation which led me to teachers, books, and a self-discovery journey that brought me to a place that I never even knew existed. A place of peace, contentment, and connectedness from my Highest Self to the Universe. 

The more I deepened my connection and opened myself up to this mystical world, the more I grew, learned, and heard the guidance of the world around us. 

When I connected to my Soul, I gained freedom, confidence, clarity, and peace. It led me towards rediscovering my joy and passion for creativity, embodying who I am on the deepest level, and effortlessly living the life that I dream: a life full of love, confidence, and freedom. 

If you are here, then your Soul has led you here. As our Souls are always guiding us and protecting us so that we embody our Highest Selves in this lifetime. 

I am deeply grateful to have this opportunity to share with you what the Universe has shared with me, and guide you through your OWN unique journey of reconnecting to your Soul and living your dreams✨

Find me on: Tumblr + Instagram

Subscribe to Soul’s Masterpiece

We are all our Soul’s Masterpiece.


6/2 Projector, Metaphysics and Sufism Enthusiast, Learning to Bind Books and Draw Comics, Casually Talk about Healing from “Chronic” Depression and Anxiety and Finding Peace.