As you’re moving through your healing journey, or even as you are just starting out, there are certain signs both energetically and physically that are from your Soul, trying to guide you towards the right path.
Here, I’m gonna explain some of the most common signs and walk you through how to respond to them.
Energetic Signs
1.Being/Feeling Stuck
When we feel stuck in a situation, it means that our Soul is ready for change. It’s time for a new path, a new environment, a new job, or new relationships.
When you’re feeling stuck, notice what exact situation in your life has made you feel that way. What area of your life is holding you back? Then take an inventory of the new interests or ideas that you have dismissed recently for their “lack of possibility.”
A lot of times, those are exactly the paths that our Soul is trying to guide us towards. And you’ll know because you feel that it is right. You feel the excitement and fear. And you know deep down that it’s the change you’ve been looking for.
So, listen.
2.Being/Feeling Unaligned
When we feel unaligned in our career, relationship, or even environment, it means we have grown, and that area of our life hasn’t. And it’s very difficult to accept that sometimes our paths are not forever. Whatever it is that you’re not aligned to, first, ask yourself if it is possible to help it grow, so it meets you where you are? For example, is there a possibility for your career to expand into something you’re desiring now?
And take your time to find what IS aligned with you right now.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve changed and molded my business as I’ve grown again and again.
Growth is inevitable and it's a necessity. And not everything is on the same timeline as you.
Feel your feelings. And allow yourself to move through.
3.Feeling Jealous or Desparate
When we feel jealous or desparate, it’s simply a sign from our Soul that we really want that thing. And perhaps we were meant to have it.
Now, this doesn’t mean to go and get it at any cost. It rather means to accept what you truly desire and allow yourself to get aligned with its energy.
A lot of times, that’s all it takes for the Soul to take care of the rest.
So, the next time you feel that way, take notice, step back, and allow.
You may also read my in-depth writing about feeling jealous :)
4.Feeling Overwhelmed and Overthinking
When we’re feeling overwhelmed and start to overthink, it’s usually because we are trying to solve something in our life asap. That overwhelm and overthinking and the exhaustion that comes after it, are all signs that your Soul wants you to stop. Stop trying to solve what it is. Stop trying to control the situation. And step back, so that the Universe can do its magic.
Most of the time, we really don’t need to do anything other than allow things to flow and solve themselves. And yet, it’s the hardest :)
5.Feeling a Pushback, like things are harder than they should be
When life isn’t going exactly as planned, or when you’re trying to do something and get pushbacks (like trying to find a job and not getting any good news in return), it’s usually a sign that this is not the right path for you. When life isn’t going smoothly, or when things seem harder than they should be, it’s like the Universe is trying to stop you from going that certain way and find a better path.
Now, notice that we are not talking about the end goals here. We are talking about the journey of getting to that end goal. For example, if you have been wanting to find a good job and you’ve been applying and getting no response and even get into ridiculous misfortunes along the way, then it’s probably a sign that there is a better way for you to get a good job!
How to find that better way? Listen to your Soul. It knows.
Physical Signs
Physical signs are usually very straight forward. However, you might not notice them or make an excuse for them.
But I have learned that almost any physical change in my body, it’s a sign that I haven’t been listening to my Soul and things are not aligned.
Here are some of the most common ones that are directly related to your Soul:
1.Any unsatisfying change visible on your skin or hair (ex. Unusual breakouts, hair loss, dryness,…)
2.Changes to your Digestive System
3.Headaches and aches in your jaw
4.Feeling stiff in your body
5.Picking at yourself (ex. Biting nails, picking your skin,…)
Have you noticed any of these signs recently?
Let me know the details in the comments✨
P.S. by downloading the app, you’ll get immediate access to the Healing Group Chat and some hot tea about these very signs I’v talked about and how they have showed up in my life!